A world fit to live in –
today and tomorrow
The consequences of global warming are already evident:
The polar ice caps and glaciers are melting. Sea levels are
rising and deserts are expanding. The problem lies with
increasing CO
emissions throughout the world. As a
globally active company we are aware of our enormous
responsibility towards people and their environment, as
well as for our actions around the world. We are guided
by thoughts of sustainability – as we are in all of the
companies’ activities. We are careful with natural
resources, avoid waste wherever possible, and help
reduce the greenhouse effect by developing energy-
saving lamps and systems.
As a globally active company we act responsibly towards
society and the environment, meet global challenges with
sustainable products and pioneering processes and
therefore make a contribution to maintaining the
environment for the benefit of future generations. That is
the guiding principle of our „Global Care“ program - our
commitment to sustainability. Our efficient products are
the most important expression of this commitment.
According to the latest studies carried out by the United
Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP en.lighten
initiative), artificial lighting makes up around 15 percent of
global electricity consumption. Because of this, the
lighting industry has a key role to play in the tackling of
global challenges, such as climate change, resource
scarcity and demographic change, due to the major
benefits which efficient lighting can offer. As an integrated
lighting company, OSRAM has dedicated itself to
developing energy-efficient products, systems and
solutions. This means that we have not only aligned our
business activities to protecting the climate but also help
our customers to cut down on maintenance and
electricity costs.
Implementing total environmental protection also means
living the principle of sustainability internally - within our
organization and through our activities: Acting in an
environmentally-friendly, innovative and responsible
manner, from product development through to recycling.
Besides the development of energy-saving products, this
also includes research into and selecting the most
environmentally-friendly raw materials, reducing
production waste as far as possible, using
environmentally-friendly packaging and using energy
efficiently in all production processes. Thus, sustainability
affects the whole value chain for both, OSRAM and our
You can find more information on this at